Christmas Trains
Choose your Christmas Train experience below:
Northern Lights Limited
An approximately 90-minute train ride in the evening to bring children to Santa's Workshops - all lit up! Includes a visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus, hand-delivered gifts, Christmas carols, and a bell.
Santa Express
An approximately 90-minute train ride in the daytime. Includes a visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus, hand-delivered gifts, Christmas carols, and a bell.
Autism-Friendly Santa Express
An approximately 90-minute train ride with special sensory considerations. Includes a visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus, hand-delivered gifts, Christmas carols, and a bell.
Toys for Tots Train
A special train operated one day a year to collect donated toys for the Toys for Tots Foundation. NOTE: There are no passengers on this train, but the public is encouraged to come out and donate at one of our four stops!
Group Sales
Have a large group interested in riding one of our Christmas trains? Check out this page for more information!